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Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose: A Channelled Guide to Why You Are Here (English Edition) - de Sonia Choquette (Author)

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Le Titre Du LivreSoul Lessons and Soul Purpose: A Channelled Guide to Why You Are Here (English Edition)
Publié Le
TraducteurTatiana Maram
Chiffre de Pages246 Pages
Taille du fichier73.48 MB
Langue du LivreFrançais & Anglais
ÉditeurFanfrolico Press
Format de FichierEPub PDF AMZ CHM PAP
AuteurSonia Choquette
Digital ISBN169-1995035604-ICU
Nom de FichierSoul-Lessons-and-Soul-Purpose-A-Channelled-Guide-to-Why-You-Are-Here-(English-Edition).pdf

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Some people wonder why they need to pay attention to these things while others do not really pay attention and things seem to flow naturally to them All of this depends on where your soul is at in terms of evolution Not everybody is at the same place in the life lessons they have to learn to discover more and more of their own potential Whatever the case may be it is important to remain

In fact if there are lessons that did not get finished during life the soul has a chance during the 17 days to complete those lessons under his or her spiritual guide This completion of the lessons takes place either in the first or second blue ether depending on the ripeness of the soul In the first blue ether the soul can purify itself In the second blue ether it can continue to

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