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Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work That Lasts - de Ryan Holiday (Author)

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Le Titre Du FichierPerennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work That Lasts
Date de publication
TraducteurIqra Sharina
Nombre de Pages661 Pages
Taille du fichier50.16 MB
Langue du LivreAnglais & Français
Type de DocumentPDF AMZ ePub CWK RTF
ÉcrivainRyan Holiday
Digital ISBN774-6824809294-PFD
Nom de FichierPerennial-Seller-The-Art-of-Making-and-Marketing-Work-That-Lasts.pdf

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In a sea of books urging authors to churn out a book in a week Perennial Seller stands out as a lone voice calling for quality Holiday cites the sales patterns of books and other products with staying power and advocates editing building a platform and focusing on perfecting your craft

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Lisez « Perennial Seller The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts » de Ryan Holiday disponible chez Rakuten Kobo Bestselling author and marketing strategist Ryan Holiday reveals to creatives of all stripesauthors entrepreneurs

Perennial seller The art of making and marketing work that lasts Ryan Holiday Auteur Bestselling author and marketing strategist Ryan Holiday reveals to creatives of all stripes—authors entrepreneurs musicians filmmakers fine artists—how a classic work is made and marketed

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